Ernst-Ulrich Katzenstein

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Ernst-Ulrich Katzenstein (born April 9, 1936 ; † January 28, 2020 ) is known as the former editor-in-chief of the church messenger, as a politician of the DSP in Basel ( Democratic Social Party ) and as President of the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt from 2002 to 2003.

Growing up in the Mark Brandenburg region , then in East Berlin , he fled to West Berlin in 1954 at the age of 18 . He completed his theology studies in Göttingen , Basel and Berlin . He became a pastor in Berlin-Gropiusstadt , where, under difficult conditions, he carried out community development in the new settlement area. From 1971 to 1989 he was pastor in the Hirzbrunnen district in Basel.

Since his time in Berlin, he has also worked as a journalist for newspapers, television and radio, where he dealt with social issues, family politics and problems with the disabled. He was also active in the pastoral care sector.

Ernst-Ulrich Katzenstein was married and the father of five adult children.

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary