Ernst Aust

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Ernst Aust (born April 12, 1923 in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel ; † August 25, 1985 in Müden (Aller) ) was a German editor and politician of the KPD , from the end of 1968 of the KPD / ML .


During the Second World War Aust was captured by the British. There he got to know German communists . Aust became a member of the KPD and of the “ Kulturbund for the Democratic Renewal of Germany ”. From 1951 he worked as an editor for the Hamburger Volkszeitung .

In 1953, on behalf of the party, Aust took over the coastal magazine Blinkfüer, which had emerged from the movement to liberate Heligoland . Aust was an opponent of de-Stalinization and sided with the People's Republic of China and Albania in the conflict between Beijing and Moscow . In June 1967 Aust began publishing the newspaper Roter Morgen .

On December 31, 1968, Aust founded the Maoist KPD / ML in Hamburg - one of the first K groups in Germany. After the extraordinary party congress in late 1971, the party elected him as its chairman.

The party later split several times. As early as 1970, Aust had a falling out with Willi Dickhut , editor of the theory organ Revolutionary Path . Dickhut later became the founder of the KABD , an amalgamation of the KPD / ML (Revolutionary Way) and the Communist Workers' Union / Marxist-Leninists (KAB / ML), from which today's Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany emerged in 1982 . While Dickhut remained a Maoist even after Mao Zedong's death , in 1978 Aust followed the course of the Albanian communists under Enver Hoxha. In 1974, Hoxha received Aust for the first time in an individual audience.


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