Ernst Baumgart

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Federal Post Office, built from 1901 to 1906. Architects: Eugène Jost and Ernst Baumgart.

Ernst Baumgart (born October 4, 1858 in Bern ; † January 14, 1938 there ) was a Swiss architect.

Education and career

Baumgart studied architecture at the Königliche Württembergische Baugewerkeschule in Stuttgart and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts Paris . From 1883 he worked in Bern as a partner at Gottlieb Hirsbrunner before setting up his own office in 1886. He continued working with Hirsbrunner until his death in 1889. It has resulted in a number of competition successes in important construction projects, including the fourth prize for the federal parliament building in Bern and the second prize for the main post office in Lucerne, and after winning the competition for the post and telegraph building in St. Gallen (1915 through a new building replaced elsewhere ).

Baumgart was consulted as an expert at the turn of the century for the construction of the post office in Bern, which was built up to 1906 according to a design by Eugène Jost , and he was later also a judge for corresponding construction projects. In addition, Baumgart created numerous historicizing villas and apartment buildings, especially in Bern, with rich facade decorations, as well as the hospitals in Langnau and Interlaken, a drinking sanctuary in Kirchlindach and a boys' education institution in Trachselwald. Buildings for education were the Brunnmatt school house and school house Enge as well as the Swiss teacher's home near Bern from 1910.

List of works (selection)

  • Bundeshaus Ost , competition 4th prize, Bern 1885 (Hirsbrunner and Baumgart)
  • Hauptpost , competition 2nd prize, Lucerne 1885 (Hirsbrunner and Baumgart)
  • Post Office , St. Gallen, 1885–1887 (demolished) (Hirsbrunner and Baumgart)
  • Grüneckweg 12 , residential building, Bern 1891
  • Zieglerstrasse tram depot , Bern 1893
  • Finkelhubelweg 14 , apartment building, Bern 1895
  • Zieglerstrasse 44 , residential building, Bern 1895
  • Kalcheggweg 14 , Villa, Bern 1896
  • Bernastrasse 10 , Villa, Bern 1896
  • Seftigenstrasse 23 , Villa, Bern 1896
  • Freiburgstrasse 2 , Villa, Bern 1897
  • Spital , Langnau, 1898
  • Beaulieustrasse 1 , Villa, Bern 1899
  • Falkenplatz 9 , residential and commercial building 1894–1900
  • Drinkers' sanatorium Nüchtern , Kirchlindach 1899–1900
  • Boys' education institution , Trachselwald around 1900
  • Brunnmatt , primary school, Bern 1901
  • Sonnenbergstrasse 1 , Villa, Bern 1901
  • Alpenstrasse 32 , Villa, Bern 1903
  • Bollwerkpost , Bern 1903–1905
  • District Hospital , Interlaken, 1903–1905
  • Engestrasse 49 , Villa, Bern 1905
  • Tram depot , Thunstrasse 106, Bern 1900, 1907
  • Office building , Thunstrasse 116, Bern 1907
  • Daxelhoferstrasse 17–19, 21 , Villen, Bern 1907
  • Obstberggut , neo-Gothic stair tower, extension, 1908
  • Swiss teachers' home , Wildermettweg 46, Bern 1910
  • Sulgeneck . French Embassy, ​​Sulgeneckstrasse 44. Conversion 1914–18 (original building Louis-Frédéric de Rutté 1894)
  • Greisenasyl Schönegg , Seftigenstrasse 111, renovation (central projection) 1923 (original building 1872–1874)


  • Josef Huber: Baumgart, Ernst. In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 , p. 41.

supporting documents

  1. ^ NN: Report of the jury for the submitted competition designs for the post office in St. Gallen . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung . tape 5 , no. 12 , 1885, p. 71-10 ( ).
  2. NN: The new confederation. Post office building in Bern: built by the architects Eug. Jost and E. Baumgart in Lausanne and Bern . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung . tape 47 , no. 1 , 1906, p. 6–10 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-26037 .
  3. ^ NN: Swiss teachers' home in Bern: built by E. Baumgart, architect in Bern . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung . tape 61 , no. 15 , 1913, pp. 201–203 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-30704 .