Ernst Eisendecher

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Ernst Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Eisendecher (born July 24, 1803 in Quakenbrück , † December 23, 1887 in Neuhaus (Oste) ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Ernst Eisendecher was the son of the Imperial Russian major and sub-prefect Georg Eisendecher in Saint Petersburg . Christian Carl Philipp Eisendecher was his cousin. He studied law at the University of Göttingen from 1822 to 1825 and stayed temporarily in Russia during his studies. During his studies he became a member of the Corps Hannovera Göttingen and was temporarily its senior . After completing his studies, he entered the administrative service of the Kingdom of Hanover and became an auditor in Neustadt am Rübenberge in 1828, in 1842 as an assessor in Meinersen, in 1846 in Herzberg, and in 1850 in Bilderlahe. 1853 was Eisendecher magistrate in office Bockenem and from 1865 in the Office Wittmund . From 1866 to 1878 he acted as governor in the Neuhaus an der Oste district .


Individual evidence

  1. enrolled on October 20, 1822
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 42 , 277.