Ernst Hilmer (politician)

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Ernst Hilmer (also: Ernst Ludwig Hilmer ; * 1801 ; † 1862 ) was a German local politician and mayor. He is considered the founding father of the Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf .


At the beginning of industrialization in the Kingdom of Hanover , Ernst Ludwig Hilmer was a member of the magistrate of Burgdorf in the 1840s . From 1849 to 1852 he was mayor of the town of Burgdorf and during these years he “closely followed the development of the savings banks ”. On October 28, 1843, he wrote a letter to the Royal Office of Burgdorf , in which he emphasized the usefulness of the savings banks and their practical application, with the note that "every city should endeavor to found one." Hilmer's letter is valid today as the oldest documented proposal to set up a savings bank in Burgdorf.


  • Heinz Neumann: The foundation of the Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf , in which: The chronicle of the Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf 1854 - 2004 , ed. from Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf on the occasion of its 150th anniversary in 2004, Burgdorf: Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf, 2004, pp. 8–15, v. a. P. 9ff .; Digitized via

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Individual evidence

  1. Hof- und Staats-Handbuch for the Kingdom of Hanover for the year 1849 , Hanover: Druck und Verlag der Berenbergschen Buchdruckerei, p. 570; Digitized via Google books
  2. Jens Kamm (r / jk): "Burgdorfer Köpfe" commemorates important personalities , article on the exhibition "Burgdorfer Köpf" in the KulturWerkStadt Burgdorf on the website of the weekly newspaper Marktspiegel on June 9, 2010, last accessed on March 31, 2020
  3. o. V .: Closely connected for over 160 years , brief outline of the history of the origins of Stadtsparkasse Burgdorf on the site [ undated ], last accessed on March 31, 2020