Ernst Julius Philipp Thiele

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Ernst Julius Philipp Thiele (* 1791 in Stolberg (Harz) ; † before 1874) was a German printer , publisher and Schulze .


Philipp Thiele came from the county of Stolberg in the Harz, which was under the sovereignty of the Electorate of Saxony . After attending school, he learned the trade of a printer in the town of Wernigerode in the northern Harz region . He then found a job in the Viehweg'schen Buchdruckerei in Braunschweig , where he gained extensive practical experience in order to subsequently be able to work as a self-employed book printer in his father-in-law Struck's printing shop from 1827. In the capital of the county of Wernigerode , he became the family's court book printer under Hereditary Count Henrich zu Stolberg-Wernigerode . In the following years he published numerous writings and occasional prints in his court book printer with counts concessions.

Heinrich Pröhle received an unknown fairy tale from Bernhard Thiersch's fund through Philipp Thiele .

At the end of May 1848 he gave his court printing company in Wernigerode into the hands of C. Ziegler and from then on devoted himself to local politics in the neighboring suburb of Nöschenrode , where he held the office of Schulzen.


  • Non-profit entertainment journal for town and country . Wernigerode 1832.
  • Non-profit entertainment journal for town and country . Wernigerode 1833.
  • Monument to the love and admiration of the illustrious Earl's House of Stolberg-Wernigerode when the Erl. Hereditary Count Hermann and his wife, Mrs. Emma, ​​born. Countess Erbach-Fürstenau, offered on Sept. 28, 1833 by the residents of the County of Wernigerode . Wernigerode 1833.
  • Poems, which Sr. Erlaucht, the gracious ruling Count and Mr. Henrich, Count zu Stolberg-Wernigerode and your Erlaucht, the gracious ruling Countess and Mrs. Eberhardine, Countess zu Stolberg-Wernigerode born. Freiin von der Reck on the day of her silver wedding ceremony on December 30th, 1835 . Wernigerode 1836.


  • Christian Friedrich Kesslin: News from writers and artists in the county of Wernigerode from 1074 to 1855 . Scientific Association of Wernigerode, p. 91 ( Online ), p. 202.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Pröhle: Wernigerödische Drucke , in: Zeitschrift des Harz-Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde, 1875, pp. 301f.