Ernst Krieger (film manager)

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Ernst Krieger (born September 2, 1876, presumably in East Prussia ; † November 7, 1937 in the German Reich ) was a German professional officer, UFA manager, screenwriter and cultural film producer and director, and since 1918 director of the UFA's cultural department.

Live and act

Krieger had passed his Abitur at the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Königsberg (East Prussia) and had joined the 43rd Infantry Regiment (Königsberg) in 1895 as a flag junior. In the following year he embarked on a career as an officer. He then served as a regimental adjutant for four years. In 1911 he was made captain and on November 6, 1917, in the late phase of World War I, he was made major. According to his own admission, he was wounded twice in ten battles and 28 skirmishes. For this, Krieger was awarded both the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class.

His move to the film industry took place gradually. In February, Krieger was assigned to the Image and Film Office (BUFA). Here he took over the management of the military department. On July 1, 1918, his retirement from military service to switch to UFA was approved. At the largest German film production company founded towards the end of the previous year, Ernst Krieger took over the management of the cultural department and in this position drew for the production of well-known UFA documentary films such as Paths to Strength and Beauty and the Miracle of Creation, but also for feature films with cultural documentary elements such as “ Horrido ”And“ Fight for the Floe ”(all in the mid-1920s). According to his own information, he and his department want to have made around 400 films by 1926.

Filmography (small selection)

as a personal producer, unless otherwise stated


  • Kurt Mühsam / Egon Jacobsohn: Lexicon of the film . Lichtbildbühne publishing house, Berlin 1926. p. 98.

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