Ernst Philipp Berckemeyer

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Ernst Philipp Berckemeyer (* 1808 ; † 1879 ) was a German landowner and politician.


As the owner of the Groß Thurow estate, which fell to Mecklenburg in 1945 due to the Barber-Lyaschtschenko Agreement , Berckemeyer belonged to the Lauenburg knighthood .

In 1848 he became a member of the state assembly of the Duchy of Lauenburg and later the Danish District Administrator of the Duchy of Lauenburg before March 1848 . In 1865 he became known for his legendary homage carriage ride with Otto von Bismarck around the town church in Ratzeburg .



  • Hellmuth von Ulmann, Walter Hahn: Walks to the mansions and estates in the Duchy of Lauenburg , Kurt Viebranz Verlag, Schwarzenbek 1981, p. 88/89