Ernst Schliewen

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Ernst Schliewen (born October 20, 1867 in Gumbinnen , East Prussia , † November 10, 1945 ) was a German judge.


The evangelical son of a major and army commander intended to study philology first after graduating from high school in 1885 at the Collegium Fridericianum . He studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and became active in the Corps Hasso-Borussia in 1885 . The Prussian citizen was sworn in in 1888 and entered civil service. In 1897 he became a magistrate. In 1899 he was appointed district judge. In 1907 he was appointed regional judge and in 1908 higher regional judge. In 1917 he came to the Reichsgericht . There he was active in the 5th Criminal Senate and the 7th Civil Senate . In 1932 he retired. He was an employee of the Reichsgerichträtekommentar. It is not known whether he died in Leipzig or in Special Camp No. 1 in Mühlberg

See also


  • Adolf Lobe: Fifty Years of the Reich Court on October 1, 1929 . Berlin 1929, p. 381.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 31/78
  2. Program of the Royal High School in Danzig, 1884/1885 / Friedrich Bahnsch: Tristan Studies, Danzig 1885, p. 24