Ernst Thom

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Ernst Thom (born August 2, 1713 in Gießen ; † May 3, 1773 ibid) was a German literary scholar, rhetorician and economist.


Thom studied in Halle , Leipzig and Strasbourg . As a master of philosophy he returned to his homeland, where he was appointed full professor of poetry and rhetoric on January 10, 1744 and took office on June 4. On January 19, 1745 he changed the professorship of ethics and nature as well as international law at the Giessen University. In 1754 he became the head of the prelate and financial administrator of the university. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was dean of the philosophical faculty in 1760 .


  • Diss. De summorum imperantium maiestate intependente. Casting 1745


  • Friedrich Wilhelm Strieder: Basis for a Hessian scholar and writer story. Verlag Bayerhoffersche Schriften, Marburg, vol. 16, p. 165 ( online )
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Publisher Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1815, 14th vol. P. 54, ( online )