Erwin Brünisholz

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Erwin Brünisholz (born May 22, 1908 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein , † July 14, 1943 near Orjol / Soviet Union ) was a German painter and draftsman.


In 1914 Erwin Brünisholz moved with his family from Ludwigshafen to Kaiserslautern , where he attended the humanistic grammar school. After graduating from high school, he began to study art at the Munich Art Academy in 1927 , which he completed with an exam as a drawing teacher. In 1932 Brünisholz returned to Kaiserslautern, where he worked as a freelance artist and gave drawing lessons at the Landesgewerbeanstalt. In 1939 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht . On July 14, 1943 he fell as a first lieutenant near Orjol / Russia.


Erwin Brünisholz created an extensive oeuvre of drawings, watercolors and oil paintings in just a few years. His style was shaped by his training at the Munich Art Academy and by impressions he gained on numerous study trips. He visited exhibitions in Munich, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris and dealt with the art of French and German impressionism. According to the art historian Wilhelm Weber , the works of Édouard Manet , Lovis Corinth , Max Liebermann and Max Slevogt had a great influence on Brünisholz. Weber particularly emphasizes the importance of Vincent van Gogh for the development of Brünisholz, whose painting is also characterized by expressive tendencies. He worked in a painting technique for which he used rubbed colors with turpentine, resin essences and a little oil, whereby he developed his very own, unmistakable style. His oeuvre mainly includes portraits and landscapes. The artist's estate is managed by Brigitte Burghardt and Roland Paul .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1951: Erwin Brünisholz. Memorial exhibition , Palatinate State Trade Organization, Kaiserslautern (May 12 to June 11, 1951)
  • 1976: Erwin Brünisholz - Fritz Gerner , Pfalzgalerie , Kaiserslautern (December 1976 to January 1977)
  • 1984: Erwin Brünisholz , Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern (January 20 to March 4, 1984)
  • 2008: Erwin Brünisholz (1908–1943) on his 100th birthday , Theodor-Zink-Museum in the Wadgasserhof , Kaiserslautern (April 19 to May 25, 2008)


In the residential area of Melm in his native Ludwigshafen, a path is named after Erwin Brünisholz.

Literature (selection)

  • Association of Palatinate Friends of Art (Ed.): Erwin Brünisholz. Memorial exhibition . Pfälzische Landesgewerbeanstalt, Kaiserslautern 1951.
  • Erwin Brünisholz. (1908-1943). Watercolors and drawings . With texts by Kurt Böhner, Oskar Denger and Wilhelm Weber, Verlag Pfälzer Kunst, Landau id Pfalz 1988, ISBN 3-922580-23-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Wilhelm Weber: Colors are the reflection of life . In: Erwin Brünisholz. (1908-1943). Watercolors and drawings . Verlag Pfälzer Kunst, Landau id Pfalz 1988, pp. 7–71.
  2. Estate administration
  3. Information from the City of Kaiserslautern on the 2008 Memorial Exhibition  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /