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Preparation of Erymanthus transversopustulatus .mw-parser-output .Person {font-variant: small-caps} Gerstmeier & Salvamoser

Preparation of Erymanthus transversopustulatus Gerstmeier & Salvamoser

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Superfamily : Cleroidea
Family : Colored Beetle (Cleridae)
Genre : Erymanthus
Scientific name
Spinola , 1841
Preparation of Erymanthus diversipes

The genus Erymanthus from the family of the colored beetles (Cleridae) comprises 16 species that are native to mainland Africa and are widespread.


The head, together with the eyes, is slightly wider than the pronotum . The eyes are kidney-shaped and have rough facets. The antennas consist of 11 sections, the last three forming a lobe. The pronotum is longer than it is wide and runs subparallel. On the side and on the pronotum there are more or less noticeable elevations, a longitudinal furrow is in the center. The elytres are about twice as long as they are wide and show a strong variation in puncturing and different elevations. Five large elevations with bristle-like hair mostly have a similar arrangement. The femora (thighs), especially of the first pair of legs, are noticeably strong. All three pairs of legs each have three tarsal links . The coloration of the species ranges from simple black and brown tones to a metallic blue and strong red.


The genus is limited in its distribution to the African continent and has so far only been found south of the Sahara .

Way of life

Nothing is known about the way of life of the species.



Erymanthos is the ancient name of a mountain range and a river in Greece. Neither Maximilien Spinola in his description of the genus (which he ascribes to Klug) nor Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug in the description of the type species Erymanthus gemmatus give an explanation for the naming.


  • R. Gerstmeier, M. Salvamoser: Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae). In: Zootaxa . Volume 3755, No. 6, 2014, pp. 501-548. doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.3755.6.1

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maximilien Spinola: Essai monographique sur les Clérites, insectes coléoptères. Gênes, 1844 (digitized)
  2. JCF Klug: Attempt to systematically identify and discuss the genera and species of the Clerii, an insect family from the order of the Coleoptera. In: Treatises of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. 1842, pp. 259-397. (digitized)

Web links

Commons : Erymanthus  - collection of images, videos and audio files