Erythrodiplax famula

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Erythrodiplax famula
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Sympetrinae
Genre : Erythrodiplax
Type : Erythrodiplax famula
Scientific name
Erythrodiplax famula
( Erichson , 1848)
Distribution areas of Erythrodiplax Famula

The Erythrodiplax famula is a species of dragonfly of the genus Erythrodiplax from the subfamily Sympetrinae . It occurs in Guyana . The larva has not yet been described.

Construction of the Imago

Erythrodiplax famula has a light yellow head that is brownish on the forehead and crown. The thorax is in turn light yellow from below and on the sides, only on the back ( dorsal ), as is the abdomen, brown. There are also two rows of yellow spots on the abdomen. The abdominal appendages are again yellow. The wings are clear except for a brown spot at the tip. The wing mark ( pterostigma ) is brown. The wings also exhibit sexual dimorphism . The forewings of the males have a small brown spot, the hind wings a large one. In females, on the other hand, only the hind wings are provided with a yellow spot at the base, in which the veins are dark.


  1. ^ Hermann August Hagen : Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America [p. 318], Smithsonian institution, 1861, online in Google Book Search
  2. ^ Garrison, von Ellenrieder , Louton: Dragonfly Genera of the New World [p. 242f], The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2006, ISBN 0801884462
  3. ^ Wilhelm Ferdinand Erichson : Insects. In: R. Schomburgk, Travels in British Guiana in the years 1840–1844. Third part. Attempt at a fauna and flora of British Guiana. [S. 584], JJ Weber, Leipzig 1848, online in the Google book search