Archbishop's Archives Freiburg

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Archbishop's Archives Freiburg

The Archbishopric Archive Freiburg (abbreviation: EAF ) is the archive of the diocesan administration and other central institutions of the Archdiocese of Freiburg . He is also responsible for maintaining the archdiocese's parish archives.


As early as 1828, and thus only one year after the election of the first archbishop of the newly created diocese of Freiburg, an archbishopric archive is mentioned for the first time. However, at this point in time the files and documents of the previous dioceses still formed a unit with the registry of the new diocese. Franz Zell, who was appointed archivist in 1859, began removing older holdings from the registry for the first time. The Freiburg Archbishop's Archive was set up and operated using archival methods when Franz Hundsnurscher was hired as the first trained archivist in 1967. In 1974, the archive moved into its own premises in an extension of the Ordinariate in Freiburg's Herrenstrasse. The climatic conditions in the rooms, however, proved to be unfavorable for the permanent storage of documents, and the spatial capacities were soon exhausted. For these reasons, the diocesan administration decided to build a new archive not far from the previous location. This new building by the architect Christof Hendrich at Schoferstraße 3 was inaugurated in 2002. The building uses a natural air conditioning concept that is based on Roman hypocaust wall heating and thus minimizes energy requirements.

The director of the archive has been Christoph Schmider since 1998 .

In addition to the headquarters in Freiburg, there are two archive branches in Eberbach and Sigmaringen . The main task of these branch offices is to look after the parish archives of the respective district.


The nucleus and at the same time the historical core is the documents taken over from the dissolved diocese of Constance . After the secularization of the Constance Monastery by Baden in 1802, the archivist Johann Baptist Kolb, who had been taken over by Baden, began to separate the records management into secular (Territorialia) and spiritual (Ecclesiastica) holdings. The background was that according to § 47 of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss the continued existence of the diocese and the cathedral chapter was expressly guaranteed. These church institutions thus had a legal right to all necessary documents. Although the ecclesiastical and secular administration in Meersburg and Konstanz had been increasingly separated from the middle of the 16th century, there were overlaps between the two areas. Holdings with mixed content were mostly assigned to the state church authority, the “Catholic Church Section” of the Baden Ministry of the Interior. Virtually all of the document holdings were also transferred to the Baden General State Archives .

The documents of the secular government were assigned to the new rulers under Baden direction. The "Ecclesiastica" were distributed to the ecclesiastical successor institutions, in particular the newly established or rewritten dioceses in southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria. As a result of this restructuring, the holdings were severely fragmented and individual parts were completely lost.

Parts of the holdings of the other predecessor dioceses (Mainz, Speyer, Strasbourg, Worms and Würzburg) in the area of ​​the newly established diocese of Freiburg were also given to its administration. Together, the tradition of the predecessor bishoprics make up inventory A.

Since the founding years of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, the Archbishopric Archives have been taking over and storing the documents of the Diocesan Administration of Freiburg. This inventory B forms an important source of the cultural and architectural history of Baden and Hohenzollern.

An indispensable source for genealogical studies represent the church records . Up by the state in 1870 in Baden and 1874 official in Hohenzollern civil registers were introduced, baptisms, marriages and deaths were registered by the Church of. The church registers of the Catholic parishes in the area of ​​the Archdiocese of Freiburg can be viewed on microfilm on five reading devices in the Archbishop's Archives after prior notification.

There are numerous references to the holdings of the Archbishop's Archives in the journal Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv .


  • Bernd Ottnad: The archives of the bishops of Constance . In: Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv Vol. 94, 1974, pp. 270-516.
  • Guide to the diocese archives of the Catholic Church in Germany , ed. by the Federal Conference of Church Archives in Germany, 2nd revised. and exp. Edition, Siegburg 1991, pp. 93-95.

Web links

Commons : Archbishop's Archive Freiburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files