Ethics Council Act

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Basic data
Title: Law establishing the German Ethics Council
Short title: Ethics Council Act
Abbreviation: EthRG
Type: Federal law
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Legal matter: Administrative law
References : 116-2
Issued on: July 16, 2007
( BGBl. I p. 1385 )
Entry into force on: August 1, 2007
GESTA : K002
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The German Ethics Council Act (EthRG) forms the legal basis for the German Ethics Council , which was set up on August 1, 2007, and determines its tasks and composition, the requirements placed on its members as well as their position and appointment. The German Ethics Council replaces the existing National Ethics Council .

The German Ethics Council pursues ethical , social , scientific , medical and legal questions as well as the likely consequences for individuals and society that arise in connection with research and developments, particularly in the field of life sciences and their application to humans. As an independent council of experts, it should support the German Bundestag and the federal government through statements - both on behalf of and on its own initiative, but also inform the public and promote public discussion. The ethics council should represent different ethical approaches and a pluralistic spectrum of opinion and work together with comparable organizations from other countries .

According to the law, the 26 members are independent, half of whom are proposed by the federal government and half by the Bundestag and then appointed by the President of the German Bundestag for four years. During your membership you are not allowed to be active in parliament or government at the federal or state level at the same time. In a secret ballot, the members determine the chairmanship and deputy from their midst and issue rules of procedure. The federal government bears the costs of the work of the council.

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