Eucera cineraria

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Eucera cineraria
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Apidae
Genre : Eucera
Type : Eucera cineraria
Scientific name
Eucera cineraria
Eversmann , 1852

Eucera cineraria is a bee from the family of Apidae .


The bees have a body length of 9 to 11 millimeters (females) or 9 to 10 millimeters (males). The body of the females is yellow-brown to reddish brown in color. Your splint brush (Scopa) is white. The first tergite is partially covered with dense felted hairs, the two to five tergites completely. The end margins shine through underneath, giving the appearance of a band mark. The antennae are red-brown. The males are hairy yellow-brown. Your labrum and the stripes on the front edge of the frontal plate ( clypeus ) are yellow. Your mesonotum shines. The spaces between the points are two to several times as large as the points. The tergites are hairy protruding, on the second to fifth there are adjacent end bands. The sixth sternite is provided with inwardly curved teeth on each side.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is widespread in southern Europe and in some places also in southern central Europe, as well as in southern Russia and Turkey. The animals fly in May and June. It is unknown whether and by which cuckoo bees they are parasitized .

supporting documents

Felix Amiet, M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer: Fauna Helvetica 20: Apidae 5 . Center Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 2007, ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4 .