Eucera pollinosa

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Eucera pollinosa
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Apidae
Genre : Eucera
Type : Eucera pollinosa
Scientific name
Eucera pollinosa
Smith , 1854

Eucera pollinosa (syn. E. (Eucera) chrysopyga) is a bee of the genus Eucera , from the family of Apidae . It is one of the species that arecalled longhorn bees in German.


The bees have a body length of 13 to 15 millimeters (females) or 12 to 15 millimeters (males). The females are predominantly hairy brown-red. The hair on the face, on the ventral side of the body and the splint brush (Scopa) is whitish. The first tergite has a protruding edge between the base and the disc. The end edge of the second tergite is densely structured in dots, but the last third is unpunctured. The third tergite has an unbroken or narrowly interrupted hair band at the end. The males are hairy brown-red, the hairs are a little lighter and arranged like a band at the edge of the tergite. The labrum and the frontal plate ( clypeus ) are yellow. The first tergite is hairy twice as long as the other tergites. The second to sixth tergite have a fine keel on the sides, which ends in a tooth on the sixth tergite. The pygidial plate is narrowed step-like on the sides.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is widespread in southern Europe and Austria. The animals are proven at least from the beginning of July. Cuckoo bees of the species are unknown.

supporting documents

Felix Amiet, M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer: Fauna Helvetica 20: Apidae 5 . Center Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 2007, ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4 .