Eugene Herz

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Eugen Herz (born April 26, 1875 in Vienna , † January 5, 1944 in Rimsting ) was an Austrian industrialist .

From 1902 to 1906 he was a consultant at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, then at the Prague Iron Industry Society , whose general director Wilhelm Kestranek promoted him. From 1914, Herz worked for the Österreichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft , in 1915 he became commercial director and from 1928 executive director. Herz earned services for the reorganization of the company after the First World War and as a representative of the Austrian iron industry in international associations. His functions included that of the Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (1930–33), he was also censor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and President of the Austrian Federation of Industrialists .

Herz was married to Ida, née Kestranek, a sister of Wilhelm Kestranek. Both son Stefan therefore called themselves Herz-Kestranek. Grandson is the actor and author Miguel Herz-Kestranek .

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