Eugene Kiemle

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Eugen Kiemle (born July 29, 1905 in Ludwigsburg ; † May 16, 1950 ) was a German architect and was one of the representatives of the Stuttgart School .


Together with his business partner Paul Weber , he participated, among other things, in the large-scale project of the traditionalist-style Kochhofsiedlung in Stuttgart between 1929 and 1932 . The reconstruction of the tunnels in the Friede gypsum mine in Obrigheim for the underground production of military aircraft engines by Daimler-Benz was also carried out by him during the Nazi era in 1944 with forced laborers as house architects for the company.

Individual evidence

  2. Jörg R. Mettke: The gentlemen only took the strongest. in: Der Spiegel , No. 15/1986 (from April 7, 1986). ( online , last accessed April 7, 2012)