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Euneike ( Greek  Εὐνείκη ) or Eunike ( Εὐνίκη ) is a nymph of Greek mythology .

She was one of the Nereids , one of the daughters of the sea god Nereus and Doris .

According to another version of the legend, Euneike was one of those three nymphs who drew the young Hylas down into the depths of their source while they drew water after he and Heracles went ashore on the Argonauts voyage on the coast of Mysia .



  1. Hesiod , Theogony 247; Etymologicum magnum 276, 2; Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 2, 7; Hyginus , fabulae , praefatio.
  2. ^ Theocritus 13:45 .