Euphiletus painter

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Chariot race on a pseudo-Panathenaic prize amphora, around 500 BC BC, State Collections of Antiquities

The Euphiletos Painter was an Attic - black-figure vase painters.

Heracles , Iolaos and Athene on a hydria , around 540 BC BC, Cabinet des médailles

The Euphiletos painter is one of the qualitatively better vase painters of the black-figure style in Attica. He is particularly known for his Panathenaic price amphoras . Here a chronological development can be seen in his works, which is not least due to an influence of the red-figure vase painting created at this time . If the early athlete pictures on these vases still show runners in unbelievable movements, the quality of the work increases considerably over time. The increasingly better mastery of internal drawings is particularly responsible for this. In addition to the representations of people, this is particularly evident in the shield signs. The works aside from the prize amphorae are of less quality and often show the images of chariot races that were particularly popular at the time. Most of the non-Panathenaic vases decorated by the Euphiletos painter date from around 520 BC. Dated, further work up to 20 years before and after. He worked with the potter Pamphaios .


Web links

Commons : Euphiletus Painter  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files