Eurípedes Simões de Paula

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Eurípedes Simões de Paula (born November 15, 1910 in São Paulo , † November 21, 1977 ibid) was a Brazilian lawyer , historian and university professor .

Simões studied law and humanities at the University of São Paulo (USP) and taught ancient and medieval history there from 1936. During the Second World War he fought as a lieutenant in the Brazilian Expeditionary Force in Italy and received medals for it. He co-founded the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo, headed the USP's Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Literature, and was Vice-Rector of the university.

In 1965 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Toulouse for his research on the Middle Ages . In 1979 he became patron of the 26th chair of the São Paulo Psychological Academy.

The Edifício Eurípedes Simões de Paula at the USP was named after him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Estudos ibero-atlânticos. Sao Paulo, 1940.
  • Marrocos e suas relações com a Ibéria na antiguidade. Sao Paulo, 1946.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Janice Theodoro: Eurípedes Simões de Paula (1910–1977) . In: Revista de História . tape 160 . São Paulo 2009, p. 17–50 (Brazilian Portuguese, online [accessed January 14, 2020]).