European Bureau for Language Minorities

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The European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages ​​(EBLUL) was a non-governmental organization in Dublin that promoted minority and regional languages in Europe. The EBLUL was founded in 1982. On January 27, 2010, the Board of Directors decided to dissolve it, as the financing of such an organization was not appropriate under the current circumstances.

The chairman of the German EBLUL offshoot is the Saterfriese Karl-Peter Schramm. The East Frisian Cornelia Nath also sits on the EBLUL board. The languages ​​affected in Germany are Danish , North and Sater Frisian , Upper Sorbian , Lower Sorbian , Romanes and Low German . The chairman of the Danish branch is the German Gösta Toft from North Schleswig . German is the only affected language in Denmark.

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