European Care Certificate

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The European Care Certificate (ECC) is a basic certificate for care- related social care . It is awarded after successfully passing an examination that is comparable across Europe .

History of the ECC

The ECC was developed in 2006 as part of a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Program . Meanwhile, 13 European countries are involved in the further development and dissemination of the ECC in a follow-up project.

Participating countries

The ECC is currently offered in the following EU countries:

The participation of Poland and Latvia is currently being prepared.

Contents of the exam

The BESCLO (Basic European Social Care Learning Outcomes) covers 8 areas in social care. These are:

  1. The basic values in social care
  2. The quality of life promote the clients
  3. Dealing with Risk
  4. Understand your own role as a supervisor
  5. Safety at work
  6. Communicate positively and successfully
  7. Recognize and respond to abuse and neglect
  8. Themselves as employees develop


  • ECC has been integrated into existing training courses by various specialist schools for curative education care .
  • Vocational training centers for young people with learning disabilities in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg have successfully integrated ECC into their care-related services.
  • The European Social Fund ( ESF ) is currently promoting a further training measure for employees without training in elderly and disabled assistance, which concludes with the ECC.
  • A large German textbook publisher is currently developing a textbook for the care-related area that includes the contents of the BESCLO and prepares them for the ECC exam.

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