European Publishers Council

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In the European Publishers Council (EPC; European Verlegerrat ), the managing directors of major European meet since 1991 transnational media corporations. The aim is to develop long-term business-friendly strategies and to organize meetings with members of the European Commission and Parliament in order to shape the direction of the integration process within the EU .

Among its 28 full members are Axel Springer SE , Financial Times , Reuters , Georg von Holtzbrinck publishing group , Gruner + Jahr , Ringier , and others. a.

The seat is in Lisbon . Europe Analytica is the lobbyists' office in Brussels . Christian Van Thillo has been the chairman since 2014.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b European Publishers Council (EPC) - EASA. In: Retrieved May 14, 2017 (English).
  2. International Publishers Sign “Hamburg Declaration to Protect Intellectual Property Rights”. In: Axel Springer SE . June 26, 2009. Retrieved May 14, 2017 .
  3. Christian Van Thillo new chairman of the European Publishers Council. In: Retrieved May 14, 2017 (Dutch).