Eurydamas (son of Meidias)

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Eurydamas ( Greek  Εὐρυδάμας ), son of Meidias , is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was a Thessalian who involuntarily contributed to the establishment of a bitter local custom. Eurydamas killed the Thrasyllos - for reasons that are not known in detail . Thereupon he was slain by his brother Simon and dragged as a corpse around the grave of Thrasyllos.

This custom was later followed by the Thessalian Achilles when he dragged the corpse of Hector around the grave of Patroclus in front of Ilion "according to his father's custom" . Aristotle was also familiar with the rite.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll : Meidias . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 2.2, Leipzig 1897, column 2557 ( digitized version ).