Eva Reichmann (literary scholar)

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Eva Reichmann (born June 30, 1962 in Salzburg ) is an Austrian literary scholar .


Eva Reichmann attended an elementary school run by Catholic sisters and then the academic high school in Salzburg. At the age of 18 he moved to Bielefeld and began studying literature, history and German at the university there ; the doctorate took place in 1994.

Between 1985 and 1991 she worked as a dramaturge, assistant director and freelance editor. From 1991 teaching at the Faculty for Linguistics and Literature at Bielefeld University ; Works among others on Max Zweig, Hermann Broch, Robert Müller, Johann Nestroy and the Wiener Vorstadttheater.

As a novelist, Eva Reichmann presented her first work “ Kalter Grund ” in 2004 , followed by “ Beauty Corrections ” the following year .

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