Evan Sherman

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Evan Sherman (* 1993 ) is an American jazz musician ( drums , also percussion) in the hardbop tradition.

Live and act

Sherman started playing drums when he was five; first recordings were made in 2011 when he was a member of Roy Assaf's big band ( Respect ). In the course of his career as a professional musician, he has worked with Ron Carter , Cyrus Chestnut , Roy Hargrove , Jimmy Heath , Branford Marsalis , as well as with Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra and the Ghost Band Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars . In 2014 he founded the Evan Sherman Big Band , in which guest musicians such as Roy Hargrove, Ku-umba Frank Lacy , Johnny O'Neal and Jon Batiste played in addition to the regular 16-strong cast . With his big band Sherman u. a. at the Perth International Arts Festival and in jazz clubs like The Rainbow Room, Ginny's, The Django, SteelStacks and Dizzy's Club .

In 2017, Sherman formed a live trio with Emmet Cohen and Ron Carter; a recording from Vancouver was released as an album in 2018. Sherman also teaches workshops and is the artistic director of the Jazz for Jennings series of events that the former ABC journalist Peter Jennings founded with Max Roach . In the field of jazz he was involved in five recording sessions between 2011 and 2017, including a. with Eric Miller, Adam Rongo and Vanessa Perea. In 2018 he performed with his Evan Sherman Rebop Evolution Trio , and in 2019 with the Enigmatics of Russell Hall .

Discographic notes

  • Emmet Cohen Featuring Ron Carter, Evan Sherman: Masters Legacy Series Volume 2 (Cellar Live, 2018)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Evan Sherman. Smalls, March 1, 2019, accessed March 1, 2019 .
  2. Tom Lord : The Jazz Discography (online, accessed March 1, 2019)
  3. Evan Sherman Rebop Evolution Trio. Jazz in the Bay, March 1, 2018, accessed March 1, 2019 .
  4. ^ Russell Hall. Smalls, July 1, 2019, accessed July 12, 2019 .