Evangelical Augsburg Congregation (Włocławek)

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The following still needs to be improved:  There is a need for linguistic processing - however, it is not entirely clear whether this is encyclopedic relevance, since church buildings are generally not considered relevant, but parishes. But since I think this is a mistake, I am not in line to put an LA here. Lutherans ( discussion ) 11:30 p.m., Jul 13, 2020 (CEST)
Parish church

The Evangelical-Augsburg congregation is an Evangelical-Augsburg congregation in Włocławek , part of the diocese of Pomerania-Greater Poland. It is located on Brzeska Street.


The beginnings of evangelical settlement, 1793–1829

Kujawy (Kujawy) was a place where immigrants from German and Dutch countries settled from the 16th to 19th centuries. The first settlers were refugees from Germany, where there were disputes and unrest during the Reformation. In later centuries, especially the 18th century, immigrants settled in numerous areas that had been abandoned by Poles or abandoned as a result of numerous wars and epidemics. The settlers were both Catholic and Protestant from the start.

Until 1793 Włocławek was ruled by a bishop who forbade the settlement of people of non-Catholic denominations. After the second partition of Poland , Włocławek came to the Prussian division. The new Prussian city government lifted the settlement ban for non-Catholics.

The first Protestant settlers in Włocławek came mainly from nearby areas that were part of the Kingdom of Prussia before the partition of Poland , i.e. from cities such as Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Grudziądz and Gdańsk. However, some families came from inland Germany, including Dresden, Hamburg, Potsdam. From 1793–1821 they held services in their own homes to which clergymen from neighboring towns were invited. Between 1796 and 1797, services were conducted for them in the now defunct St. Stanislaus Cathedral. Protestant sacraments were donated in Catholic churches until their own congregation was founded.

Since the foundation of the congregation, lessons have been organized for Protestant youth. In 1834 the community got its own school building on the corner of Brzeska and Piekarska streets.

In 1818 the evangelical community applied to the authorities of Congress Poland for permission to hold services in St. Adalbert's Church, which was built in the 12th century and was made of wood. The Government Commission on Culture and Public Enlightenment gave its approval on June 24, 1820. The then bishop of Kujawien-Kalisz, Andrzej Wołłowicz, also agreed and declared himself on 17.-18. March 1821 ready to hand over the Adalbertkirche to the evangelical community free of charge. The first Lutheran service was celebrated here on May 31, 1821 by Pastor Georg Ortmann.

From the establishment of the community to the end of World War II, 1829–1945

The Evangelical Augsburg congregation in Włocławek was established in 1829. At the time of its inception there were 2,414 members.

In the years 1831–1832 a rectory building in the classical style was built on the church at 22 Brzeska Street, which was completely rebuilt in 1881 and in the 1980s. There is currently a winter chapel there.

The congregation paid tribute to Ludwik and Adela Bauer's services and erected a memorial plaque for them in the church

In 1850, Siewiersk's heir, Fryderyk Wilhelm Cords, determined his ownership to build a new church for the evangelical community in Włocławek, as well as a school and a hospital for Lutherans. Donations from parishioners [5] and government subsidies [4] also helped build the church.

In the years 1877-1881 [6] [5] (according to other sources in the years 1882-1884) a new brick church was built, which was designed by Franciszek Tournelle in the neo-Gothic style. The construction was finally completed in 1884. In 1881 the former St. Adalbert Church was demolished.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of parishioners increased sharply. This was due, among other things, to the assimilation of the population of German origin and the general development of Włocławek as an industrial center. On the eve of the First World War , the congregation already had around 3,000 members. This number remained in the inter-war period. Even the expansion of the church was planned at that time.

In 1905 Adela and Ludwik Bauer donated an orphanage for the community (at 4 Słowackiego Street) and the Evangelical House of Mercy (at 4a Słowackiego Street), which housed the elderly and the disabled. In 1908 they also donated a building for the parish school. Both the parish school and the nursing home were named after Friedrich Wilhelm Cords. The Evangelical House of Mercy was in operation until 1945. The building is currently not in use. The Bauer family is also the founder of the forged fence built in 1897 on a brick foundation on Brzeska Street. In the church there is a memorial plaque in honor of Ludwik and Adela Bauer.

At that time, until the outbreak of World War II , the municipality ran five cantorates in the municipalities, namely Dobiegniewo, Falborz, Łęg, Śmiłowice and Wieniec, as well as schools in Modzerowo and Krzywa Góra (for the Polish population) in Włocławek, Łęg-Witoszyn and Sarnówka (for the German population). In the community, numerous associations such. B. the Society of Protestant Youth is active.

On January 20, 1945 the church tower was badly damaged. Soldiers of the German Wehrmacht (Latvian nationality) had holed up there with a machine gun. From there they attacked the soldiers of the Soviet army who were in what is now Plac Wolności (Freedom Square). In response, the Russians fired a volley of tank cannons at the turret. The tower was rebuilt in 1947–1951.

The time of the Polish People's Republic and today, from 1945

After the Second World War, around 600 believers remained in the community. During the time of the Polish People's Republic , almost all of the parish's property, including the rectory, was confiscated by the state. It was partially refunded after the fall of the Polish People's Republic in 1989.

At the turn of 2008-2009 the church was renovated. Almost 150 coffin tablets from the years 1840–1890 were found in the attic of the church. It was decided to catalog, describe and renovate them, which the municipality did in collaboration with a student from the Senior Citizens' University in Włocławek, Izabela Drozd, as well as the Association of Art Initiatives "ę" and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. On June 13, 2012, a lapidarium was opened in the building of the former cemetery chapel. The discovery inspired Ms. Izabela Drozd to conduct research on former Protestant cemeteries across the region. The project with the title "Lost Traces of the Evangelical Congregation in Włocławek and the Surrounding Area" continues to this day under the auspices of the Senior Citizens' University. In addition to cataloging and restoring tombstones, lectures are organized and tourist routes are prepared, including a. in consultation with history teachers and the local branch of the Polish Tourism and Regional Studies Association.

The church continued to be renovated during the second decade of the 21st century. The church bell drive, the gutters and the electrical systems were replaced. A new backlight was installed, including a. of the altar. A gate entrance was inserted into the fence on Slowackiego Street. With the support of the municipality of Włocławek, the church's night lighting was installed.

The evangelical community in Włocławek organizes u. a. Multimedia history lessons in collaboration with schools. During the week of prayer for Christian unity, the evangelical parishioners of Włocławek invite Catholics to worship in their church.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Władysław Rusiński, Osadnictwo niemieckie na ziemiach polskich w XVI-XIX w. Mity i rzeczywistość: (w związku z pracami W. Maasa i O. Kossmanna). Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Historia Parafii Ewangelickiej we Włocławku ,. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  5. a b c d e Andrzej Winiarski, Włocławek na starej fotografii , Włocławek: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Lars-Antyki”, 2008
  6. a b Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska we Włocławku, Ulotka pt. “Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska we Włocławku” , 2011.
  7. Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa: Rejestr zabytków nieruchomych - województwo kujawsko-pomorskie. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  8. Zdzisław Arentowicz, Z dawnego Włocławka , Włocławek: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna in. Zdzisława Arentowicza we Włocławku, 1928
  9. a b 180-lecie parafii ewangelickiej we Włocławku. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  10. a b Zapomniane ślady społeczności ewangelickiej we Włocławku i okolicach, czyli historia powstania lapidarium ... Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  11. Zagubione ślady społeczności ewangelickiej we Włocławku i okolicy: Animatorzy projektu. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).
  12. Zagubione ślady społeczności ewangelickiej we Włocławku i okolicy: Tło i cele projektu. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Polish).