Evangelical adult education Saxony

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The Evangelical Adult Education Saxony (EEB Sachsen) is a state-recognized further training provider for adult education within the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Saxony . Your educational offers are funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Culture . In 1992 it emerged from the "group-oriented community work", which has been active in educational work since 1975. As a regional office, EEB Sachsen is responsible for the member institutions in Saxony.

working area

EEB Sachsen offers education and advice in seven specialist areas: leadership skills, religion & ethics, age and generations, open church & church in tourism, politics, culture and personal development.

The “Open Church and Church in Tourism” department has existed since autumn 2017. In addition to advising and qualifying volunteer employees, the tasks include building and maintaining networks. In addition, the specialist office for parishes provides support in applying for the “Reliably open church” and “cycle path church” signs, as well as in applying for grants for projects for “open churches”.


The Evangelical Adult Education Saxony has its roots in the “group-oriented community work in the Ev.-Luth. Regional Church of Saxony ”(GOG). As a pilot project in the late 1960s / early 1970s, the GOG established itself as adult education and access to learning for members of the parishes, voluntary leaders of parish groups, pastors, critical and committed parishioners and church leaders. Under the direction of Regine Thiebach and Wolfgang Bartel, she not only offered a long-term course for adult education since 1971, but also developed material for the communities, such as a collection of methods and a "manual for group-oriented community work".

The new social and political conditions after 1990 made a directional decision necessary for group-oriented community work. In 1992 it was founded as "Evangelical Adult Education Saxony". With this, the Evangelical Adult Education Saxony stepped out of the narrow context of the parishes and onto the education market. Linked to this was the networking and cooperation with other - regional - educational institutions such as adult education centers and trade unions. This close network still exists today in the "State Working Group on Adult Education".

Another directional decision was that the Evangelical Adult Education Saxony should be recognized as an independent provider of adult education in the Free State of Saxony . This made it possible for the Saxon State Ministry for Culture to promote their educational offers. However, the public sponsorship of their own event was not the only reason. By participating in the public adult education system, Evangelical Adult Education Saxony underscored its claim and goal to leave its niche and make its work known outside the church.

Building on the long-term courses “Adult Congregation” and “Learning with Adults” in the 1980s, Evangelical Adult Education Saxony established the “Distance Learning Adult Education”. This certified multi-year further education is part of the offer of the Evangelical Adult Education Saxony and is also used by people who do not belong to the Evangelical Church .

With the growing number of cooperations and networking partners in the field of general further education in Saxony and in Germany, the self-image and the tasks of Evangelical Adult Education Saxony expanded: an educational institution with a Protestant profile on the one hand and a platform for exchanging experiences as well as representing the interests of the regional church and government agencies on the other. It is not only a provider of specific further training, but also successful in acquiring third-party funds, carrying out pilot projects and producing work material.

Organization and structure

The Evangelical Adult Education Saxony is a state-recognized state organization for further education and is funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Culture . She represents the educational approach of the Evangelical Church in the civil society and towards institutions of the Free State of Saxony .

The Evangelical Adult Education Saxony is responsible for adult education within the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Saxony . Its members are parishes and church districts, regional working groups and educational institutions as well as works and institutions of the Saxon regional church.

The state conference is the general assembly of Evangelical Adult Education Saxony. She meets regularly with the State Conference of Catholic Adult Education Saxony. The state conference is the leading body.

The Evangelical Adult Education Saxony maintains a regional office in Dresden. This runs the business of the association and offers events and services for adult education in the area of ​​the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony. It is certified by TÜV Thüringen eV with the QESplus quality development system for educational institutions. The office takes care of the funding management of its members according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Culture of the Free State of Saxony.

The educational work of Evangelical Adult Education Saxony is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget decided by the members of the Saxon state parliament .


Evangelical Adult Education in Saxony is a member of the umbrella organization German Evangelical Working Group for Adult Education. V. (DEAE).

As a national organization, it promotes the professionalization of adult education through further training and networking. As part of the public education system at the state and federal level, it works with other educational institutions and organizations.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About the EEB. In: www.eeb-sachsen.de. Retrieved March 4, 2020 .