Fabia Mendoza

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Fabia Mendoza (born October 24, 1986 in Berlin , Neukölln ) is a German film director and artist. She lives and works in Sicily and Berlin.


She became known for her musical and political documentary The White House about the art action The Rosa Parks House by her husband Ryan Mendoza and Rosa Park's niece Rhea McCauley with The Last Poets , Thomas Hearns , Underground Resistance and Rose McGowan .

Together with her husband, she often organizes performance art with political statements. In 2012, eight months pregnant, they organized a performance to show their solidarity with the Russian punk band Pussy Riot . They were then arrested in Naples.

In 2019, Fabia's short film A New Face For Washington was shown at the 13th Havana Biennale in relation to the discussion about the demolition of the statues of the US Southern Generals . In it, a young African American woman from Detroit smashes her husband's George Washington ceramic sculpture with a baseball bat.

Her photographs have been published in iD and Architectural Digest , among others .


2018: Beverly Hills Film Festival for The White House Documentary


Web links


  1. Claudia von Duehren: The small house of a great US civil rights fighter now in Berlin . In: BZ . Berlin March 26, 2017 ( bz-berlin.de [accessed March 26, 2017]).
  2. ^ Sally McGrane: Saved from Demolition, Rosa Parks's House Gets a Second Life . In: The New York Times . Berlin May 2, 2017 ( nytimes.com [accessed May 2, 2017]).
  3. ^ Clelia Hack: Film discusses Rosa Parks House . In: The Brown Daily Herald . Providence April 15, 2018 ( browndailyherald.com [accessed April 18, 2018]).
  4. 18TH ANNUAL BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES AWARD WINNERS AT GALA AWARDS CEREMONY . In: EEWorldNews . (English, eeworldnews.com [accessed April 8, 2018]).
  5. ^ White House Documentary. by Fabia Mendoza, 67min, 2017. In: whitehousefilm.net. Retrieved April 8, 2017 .
  6. ^ Solidarietà con le Pussy Riot alla Sanità con Ryan Mendoza (it) . In: la Repubblica , August 17, 2012. Retrieved October 20, 2017. 
  7. Werner Bloch: Havana Biennale in Cuba, political art and state attempts at censorship . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( deutschlandfunk.de [accessed April 27, 2019]).
  8. ^ Alan Lengel: Controversial Artist Who Saved Rosa Parks' Home Is Back in Detroit to Raise Questions About George Washington . In: Deadline Detroit . ( deadlinedetroit.com [accessed April 27, 2019]). | Access = 2019-03-03