Fabian von Auerswald

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Fabian von Auerswald (* 1462 ; † after 1540) is the author of a German ring binder and fencing book in the 16th century .


He lived at the court of the Saxon elector and in 1539 wrote a ring binder in WittenbergRingkunst: five and eighty pieces to honor the grace of the elector of Saxony. By Fabian von Auerswald zugericht ”: At the end:“ Printed in Wittenberg by Hans Lufft MD XXXIX ”, in autograph. Reprint renewed by GA Schmidt and K. Waffmansdorff, Leipzig 1669, which is traced in pictures by or after Lucas Cranach . The art of ringing is represented as it was taught to the young princes and the nobility by his " world-famous ringmasters " at the time of Elector Ernst .

This is the second oldest printed work of this kind (after Egenolph 1529; the third oldest if one counts the woodcut work by Hans Folz, at the end of the 15th century). In older times the teaching of wrestling was the beginning of the art of gymnastics and was connected with the art of fencing. It was not until the 15th century that handwritten separate textbooks on the art of ringing appeared, one attributed to Master Ott, a baptized Jew " the Lord of Austria Ringer ", the other from a complete manuscript from the 15th century and in a corrupted form in Albrecht Dürer's, among others " Fencing manuscript " from 1512 passed over.

Auerswald was the progenitor of the Prussian family line. His two grandchildren Hans († 1608) and Georg founded the Plauth and Tromanu line.

See also: Auerswald (noble family) .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maltsev Oleg: The power of the German school of fencing . August 31, 2018.