Fabio González-Zuleta

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Fabio González-Zuleta (born November 2, 1920 in Bogotá , Colombia ; † November 17, 2011 ibid) was a Colombian composer, music teacher and organist.


González began his musical education at the age of nine at a music school in San Francisco. In 1932 he became a student at the Conservatory of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia , to which he remained connected all his life. He studied piano with Guillermo Uribe Holguín , violin with Demetrio Haralambis and organ with Egisto Giovanetti , the Italian organist of the Catedral Primada de Bogotá .

In 1943 he began to teach at the Conservatory as a profesor-estudiante and until 1986 held professorships in the subjects of composition, harmony, counterpoint and fugue and music theory. From 1957 to 1967 he was director of the Conservatory, from 1967 to 1971 Vice Dean of the Facultad de Artes of the university.

In 1944 González graduated as a concert organist. In the same year he received second prize in the Concurso de composición Ezequiel Bernal for his suite Andina . In 1959 his Tres canciones a cappella were performed at the Aspen Music Festival, and two years later his Third Symphony and the Abstracto quintet at the second Inter-American Music Festival in Washington. For the inauguration of the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango , the organist Carl Weinrich played the world premiere of the Obertura de Inauguración .

Between 1957 and 1961 González worked on the production of the television series Música for the station Televisora ​​Nacional . In 1961 he also gave guest lectures at several universities in the United States. In 1966 he took part in a course for electroacoustic music with Karlheinz Stockhausen in Cologne and in the Darmstadt summer courses . Furthermore, several film scores were created in the 1960s.

In addition, González also pursued scientific interests. From 1949 to 1952 he was secretary of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional and in 1951 became a member of the Sociedad Geográfica de Colombia . On behalf of the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología and the Radiotelevisora ​​Nacional , he undertook several expeditions to the Colombian Pacific coast to collect ethnological data.

A stroke in 1974 interrupted González's professional activities, but in 1976 he resumed teaching at the Conservatory. In 1979 he was awarded the Medalla Patronato Colombiano de Artes y Ciencias .

Fabio González Zuleta died on November 17, 2011.


  • Tres canciones (after Heinrich Heine , Mary Shelley and Alphonse de Lamartine ), for soprano and orchestra, 1943
  • Quinteto con piano , 1952
  • Suite en tres movimientos , for orchestra, 1953
  • Andante y fuga for orchestra, 1954
  • Preludio ballet for orchestra, 1954
  • Estampa Heróica , symphonic poem, 1955
  • Sinfonia No.1 "La Catedral de Sal" , 1956
  • Rapsodia Griega for contralto or tenor, male choir and orchestra, 1957
  • Te Deum for soprano, contralto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra, 1957
  • Tres canciones de historia (after Lorenzo Martín , Ladrón de Guevara and José María Gruesso ) for mixed choir 1957
  • Concierto Seráfico for violin and orchestra, 1958
  • Sonata for clarinet and piano, 1958
  • Sonata para piano en un movimiento , 1958
  • Sinfonia No.2 , 1959
  • Concierto para piano , 1959
  • Dos poemas del niño y del amor , symphonic poetry, 1960
  • Sonata Antigua for double bass and piano, 1960
  • Compás for flute and piano, 1960
  • Quinteto Abstracto , 1960
  • Misa de Gloria for mixed choir, 1960, coro mixto.
  • Incidental music for Asesinato en la catedral by TS Eliot , 1960
  • Sinfonia No.3 , 1961
  • Salmo 116 for mixed choir and orchestra, 1962
  • Incidental music for El caballero de Olmedo by Lope de Vega , 1962
  • Film music for Almas indígenas by Vidal Rozo , 1962
  • Sinfonia No.4 "del Café" , 1963
  • Soundtrack for El valle de los Arhuacos by Vidal Rozo, 1963
  • Sinfonia No.5 , 1965
  • Obertura de inauguración for organ, 1965
  • Ensayo electrónico , 1965
  • Sinfonia No.6 "del Viejo Mundo" , 1967
  • Concerto grosso for harpsichord and string orchestra, 1967
  • Bosquejo sinfónico , 1967
  • Cuatro Líricas , 1968
  • Sinfonia No.7 "Encolada" , 1969
  • Sinfonía No.8 "Transfiguración" , 1971
  • Introducción y Bambuco on a theme by Alfred Greenfield for choir, percussion and strings, 1971
  • Film music for Balcones de Cartagena by Francisco Norden , 1971
  • Ballet Manuela Beltrán , 1972
  • Ballet music for Manuela Beltrán by Joaquín Piñeros Corpas , 1972
  • Sinfonia No.9 , 1974

Individual evidence

  1. Noticias . From: Website of the Círculo Colombiano de Música Contemporánea, accessed on December 25, 2015