Specialized Academy for Social Pedagogy Maria Stern of the Schulwerk of the Diocese of Augsburg

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Specialized Academy for Social Education
Maria Stern
type of school Vocational college
founding 1927
place augsburg
country Bavaria
Country Germany
Coordinates 48 ° 22 '24 "  N , 10 ° 53' 54"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 22 '24 "  N , 10 ° 53' 54"  E
carrier Schulwerk of the Diocese of Augsburg
management Siegfried Fuchs
Website fak-augsburg.de

Specialized Academy for Social Pedagogy Maria Stern of the Schulwerk of the Diocese of Augsburg is a private, state-recognized, vocational training center for educators . Its sponsor is the Schulwerk of the Diocese of Augsburg ( Diocese of Augsburg ), which was brought into being in 1975 by Bishop Josef Stimpfle . The specialist academy can look back on over 80 years of tradition.

History and present

Those responsible for the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Maria Stern , which was founded in Augsburg in 1258 , recognized the necessity of training young girls and women to become kindergarten teachers in 1927, especially since the reorganization of the entire welfare system through the Reich Youth Welfare Act, which came into force in 1924, was very important Professionally trained staff in the socio-educational institutions. The management of the “Kindergarten Teachers' Seminar Maria Stern” in Augsburg-St. Elisabeth was given to Sr. M. Concordia Sommer. The educational institution quickly enjoyed great popularity, far beyond the city of Augsburg.

Seminarians of the school (archived in the Ida-Seele archive )

During the Nazi dictatorship , the monastic seminary was particularly exposed to the mistrust of the state apparatus, despite adapting to the prescribed party doctrine with regard to teaching and learning content. While all denominational schools in the diocese of Augsburg had to cease operations from 1937, the “Maria Stern Kindergarten Teachers 'Seminar ” received a grace period until 1942, since the NSV Kindergarten Teachers' Seminar in Friedberg near Augsburg did not yet have as many kindergarten teachers We were able to train after-school care workers, as was needed in the newly founded NSV kindergartens and NSV after-school care centers or in the socio-educational institutions that were switched to the same level. But from 1941 onwards no new classes could be accepted. The school house was converted into a hospital and in 1944 into a people's kitchen.

Soon after the end of the war, the Maria Stern monastery applied to the military government of Frankfurt to reopen the school. After checking the training center and the registered nurses, the required approval for the reopening of the seminary for kindergarden teachers came . Lessons could be resumed in December 1945 in Göggingen. A teaching kindergarten was also set up there.

In 1958 the seminar moved back to the place it was founded. The training was strongly oriented towards kindergarten pedagogy. The focus was on the "program for religious education of small children": Under this heading, a seminarist from 1963/1964 wrote in the pedagogy booklet:

The program for the religious education of toddlers should not be confused with the missio for school. The bishop demands from the kindergarten teacher who is giving the program a sufficient degree of character formation, religious attitude and religious knowledge [...] In the parish kindergarten, the child should be educated through gymnastics, rest and hygiene, and in addition to his spiritual development be introduced naturally into religious life. The decisive factor for the whole of future life will depend on whether this is done in the right way [...] The religious exercises are lived with the children on a self-evident agenda. Short, beautiful, childlike, but not childish, prayers, a religious weekly order, the Friday sacrifice, the beauty of Sunday, the church year with all its festivals will again and again demand the kindergarten teacher’s attention. Of course, no religious instruction in the strict sense should be given in kindergarten.

In the 1960s, after the so-called “Sputnik shock” and the talk of the “educational catastrophe”, the previous separation of training for kindergarten and after-school care appeared to be outdated. As a result, the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs agreed in framework agreements from 1967 to combine training for work in kindergarten and after-school care, in youth work and in the home. A three-year training at a technical school for educators , from 1973 specialist academy for social pedagogy , entitles the holder to use the professional title of "state-recognized educator."

1975 took over the school work of the diocese of Augsburg , the Academy for Social Mariastern Augsburg , which is led three rapidly since 1976th

In 2001 the social pedagogical seminar was introduced with the option of acquiring the state-certified nanny qualification after two years .

If the prescribed admission requirements are met (see: Fachakademie für Sozialpädagogik ), the “Fachakademie für Sozialpädagogik Maria Stern Augsburg” is open to all applicants, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Mission statement

A practical and at the same time science-oriented training and the Christian image of man prove the special mission of the vocational training institution. Aware of the tension between belief and knowledge, the denominationally bound specialist academy is guided by the following principles:

  • It offers scientifically sound explanatory and practical knowledge and imparts practical skills.
  • It is a place to deal with values, questions of meaning, religion and personal life perspectives.
  • It is a place of personal reference and critical / technical (school, social and socio-political) discussions.


  • Working group of the Bavarian specialist academies for social pedagogy (ed.): Kindergarten teacher seminars, technical schools and specialist academies for social pedagogy in Bavaria. Chronicle, Munich 1986, p. 28 f
  • Association of Catholic Academies for Social Pedagogy in Bavaria (Ed.): 1974 to 2004–30 years Association of Catholic Academies for Social Pedagogy in Bavaria. Festschrift and Chronicle, Munich 2004, p. 32
  • Manfred Berger : Pre-school education under National Socialism. Research on the situation of the kindergarten system 1933–1945, Weinheim 1986
  • Manfred Berger: From the child detention center candidate to the educator. A contribution to the history of educator training in Bavaria - shown using the example of selected training centers in the past and present, Göttingen 2017, pp. 64–65

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Berger 1986, p. 182 ff.
  2. Müller 2000, p. 5 ff
  3. archived in the Ida-Seele-Archiv
  4. https://cuvillier.de/de/shop/people/54268-manfred-berger