Specialized library for church and cultural history

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Coordinates: 52 ° 15 ′ 47.2 ″  N , 12 ° 17 ′ 10 ″  E

Building of the specialist library in Ziesar
Inside the specialist library

The specialist library for church and cultural history is a specialist library in Ziesar . It is located on the site of the former bishop's residence Burg Ziesar .


The basis of the library is the 50,000-volume library of the former Language Convict Berlin (East). It is a scientific specialist library with a focus on theology and church history , created for the training of pastors in the GDR . Its beginnings go back to 1953. A planned expansion took place from 1961. In 1991 the language convict was dissolved. Until the opening in Ziesar in April 2008, the library was deposited in the archive of the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia in Berlin.


The specialist library and the official library of the Ziesar office are spatially separated in a completely renovated former farm building from 1895.


The librarianship is in the hands of the librarian of the official library - the head of the Museum for Brandenburg Church and Cultural History of the Middle Ages is responsible for the scientific supervision in cooperation with the regional church archive and the Historical Institute of the University of Potsdam .


The specialist library is managed as a reference library . Reading and workplaces are available. All books, including those in the magazine, are freely accessible. Use of the library is free.

Web links

Commons : Specialized library for church and cultural history Ziesar  - collection of images, videos and audio files