Professional association for hospital technology

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The Fachvereinigung Krankenhaustechnik e. V. (short form FKT ) is a registered association in Germany, which wants to contribute to the cooperation of the leading technical staff of all federal German hospitals . This results in the two goals of providing a platform for the exchange of practical experience and promoting training and further education in technical terms.

The FKT was founded in Hanover in 1974 and today has 1,600 members. The office is now in Weilerswist . FKT is a member of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE) and the European Association of Hospital Directors .


The FKT is structured on a federal basis and is divided into state groups, some of which are subdivided into regional groups; so exist z. E.g. in North Rhine-Westphalia the regional groups North Rhine-Westphalia, North Rhine-Westphalia and Central North Rhine-Westphalia as well as East Westphalia-Lippe . There are project groups and units on special topics that have been set up specifically for this purpose.

All organizational structures of the FKT are based on democratic processes. The chairman of a regional group of the FKT is democratically elected by all members of the respective regional group.


The FKT organizes a national conference once a year, which is open to all members of the FKT. The Federal Association also organizes events at MEDICA in Düsseldorf . At the regional level, the respective regional associations organize their own state conferences on various dates, which can be attended by the regional members of the respective regional groups.

At the specialist conferences, outside lectures are given by the hospital technicians who speak from their field of activity, as well as by scientists and companies, which provide information on the latest scientific advances, regulations and laws as well as technical innovations .

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