Families Schoenflies and Hirschfeld

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Several well-known artists and scientists emerged from the German-Jewish families Schoenflies and Hirschfeld in the 19th and 20th centuries. A number of family members were murdered or died in the Holocaust , others emigrated from Germany.

A family tree of the Schoenflies family was compiled in 1933 by Peter Wenzel and in 1961 by Hilde Wenzel based on the family history records of Moritz Schoenflies and other documents. Moritz's grandfather Abraham Schoenflies came from Schoenfliess and lived in Schwerin on the Warta . Moritz was able to trace his maternal ancestors back to his great-great-grandfather Simon Marcus, who had lived as a protective Jew in Landsberg an der Warthe since 1697 . Georg and Samuel Martin Schoenflies married their cousins Hedwig and Rosalie Hirschfeld in 1868 and 1872 , with their grandfather Samuel Hirschfeld.

Assumptions that the archaeologist Gustav Hirschfeld was the uncle of the sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld have not yet been confirmed.

Kinship chart

Isaac Abraham Schoenflies (1772–1825), merchant in Schwerin an der Warthe

⚭ Ester Moses Levin (1778–1844)

Moritz (Moses) Isaak (1812–1886), cigar manufacturer in Landsberg an der Warthe

Samuel Hirschfeld

⚭ Rösel Boas

H. (Hirsch, baptized as: Hermann)
Johanna (Nache) (1817–1879)
#Hermann Hirschfeld
⚭ Henriette Stargadt
Rosalie (1844-1916), teacher
Gustav (1847–1895), archaeologist
#Moritz Schoenflies
⚭ 1839 #Johanna Hirschfeld
Samuel Martin (1840–1879), director of the trade school in Lübeck, 1879 professor in Riga
Georg (1841–1894), tobacco and cigarette manufacturer in Berlin
Rosalie (born 1842)
Sophie (born 1842), twin of Rosalie
Bertha Beatrice (1843-1924)
Arthur (1853–1928), mathematician
#Samuel Martin Schoenflies
⚭ 1872 #Rosalie Hirschfeld
Emilie Dorothea
#Georg Schoenflies
⚭ 1868 #Hedwig Hirschfeld
Pauline (1869 or 1870–1930)
⚭ Emil Benjamin (1856–1926), antique dealer, brother of Friederike Josephie, the mother of Clara Stern (1877–1948), married to William Stern (1871–1938), psychologist, among whose children Hilde Marchwitza (1900–1961), Resistance fighter and Günther Anders (1902–1992), poet and philosopher
Walter Benjamin (1892–1940 Portbou)
⚭ 1917 Dora Sophie Pollak, b. Waiter (1890–1964)
Stefan Rafael Benjamin (1918–1972)
Georg Benjamin (1895–1942 Mauthausen)
Hilde Lange (1902–1989), Minister of Justice of the GDR
Michael Benjamin (1932–2000), lawyer and politician
Dora Benjamin (1901–1946), social scientist
Elise Schoenflies (1872–1930)
Ludwig Chodziesner (1861–1943), lawyer
Gertrud Kolmar (1894 – approx. 1943)
Hilde Chodziesner
⚭ Peter Wenzel
Clara Schoenflies (1874 – approx. 1940)
⚭ Alexander Wischwinsky (later Wissing), doctor
Egon Wissing, radiologist
Martha Schoenflies (1877-1946)
Fritz Crzellitzer (1876–1942), architect, cousin of Arthur Czellitzer (1871–1943), ophthalmologist and genealogist
Franz Crzellitzer (1905–1979), composer
Robert Crzellitzer (1907–1940 in France), engineer
⚭ 1933 Ruth Neufeld
2 children
Hedwig Crzellitzer (1909–1957 in Rome), fashion illustrator
⚭ Vittorio Cramer (born 1907)
#Rosalie Schoenflies
⚭ Lesser Knoller, merchant in Magdeburg
4 children
#Sophie Schoenflies
⚭ Samuel Pollack, merchant in Magdeburg
6 children
#Bertha Schoenflies
⚭ 1867 Hermann Pick (born 1839), merchant and distiller
Ludwig Pick (1868–1944 Theresienstadt), pathologist in Berlin
Georg Pick (1869–1929), Reich judge
Emil Pick
Margarethe Pick
Albert Louis Levin (died 1896), merchant, later banker in Berlin
Bertha Goldschmidt
Emma Levin (1868-1939)
⚭ Berlin 1896 #Arthur Schoenflies
Hanna Schoenflies (1897–1985)
Ernst Kaemmel (1890–1970), finance and economist
Albert Schoenflies (1898–1944 in Auschwitz), District Judge in Königsberg
⚭ Ilse Eisenberg (died 1944 in Auschwitz)
Elisabeth Schoenflies (1900–1991)
⚭ Erich Kaufmann-Bühler (1899–1967), grammar school director in Heidelberg
Walter Kaufmann-Bühler (1944–1986), mathematician
Eva Schoenflies (1901–1944 suicide)
⚭ Karlfried Sonntag, civil engineer
Lotte Schoenflies (1905–1981)
⚭ Cyril Levy, fur trader
Julie Levin (1866-1946), writer
⚭ 1888 Julius Elias (1861–1927), writer, art historian, publisher


  • Arthur Czellitzer : History of my family. Tilburg 1942, pp. 35–46, with a family tree of the Crzellitzer family. ( Digital copy at the Leo Baeck Institute, pdf, 113.572 MB)
  • Gershom Scholem : ancestors and relatives of Walter Benjamin. In: Gershom Scholem, Rolf Tiedemann (ed.): Walter Benjamin and his angel. Fourteen essays and small contributions. Suhrkamp 1983, pp. 128-154.
  • Johanna Woltmann : Gertrud Kolmar. 1894-1943. with attachment: family tree of the Schoenflies family. German Schiller Society, Marbach 1993.
  • Johanna Woltmann: Gertrud Kolmar. Life and work. Wallstein, 1995, with:
    • Moritz Schoenflies: Notes on family history. (1875), excerpt, pp. 296-300.
    • Hilde Wenzel: Getrud's ancestors. Excerpt, pp. 300–307.
  • Rudolf FritschSchoenflies, Arthur Moritz. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-428-11204-3 , p. 412 f. ( Digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. J. Woltmann: Gertrud Kolmar. 1894-1943. 1993, p. 9.
  2. Ralf Dose: The Hirschfeld family from Kolberg. In: Elke-Vera Kotowski, Julius H. Schoeps (ed.): The sexual reformer Magnus Hirschfeld. A life in the field of tension between science, politics and society. Be.Bra Wissenschaft, Berlin-Brandenburg 2004, pp. 53–54.
  3. possibly Dora Schoenflies (1874–1926), writer
  4. Peter Dudek: Fetish youth. Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Bernfeld youth protest on the eve of the First World War. Julius Klinkhardt, 2002, p. 195.
  5. ^ Arthur Czellitzer: History of my family , Leo Baeck Institute, 1942, pp. 40–42
  6. ^ Paul Richard Halmos : How to Remember Walter Kaufmann-Bühler. In: The Mathematical Intelligencer. Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1, 1987, pp. 4-10. (Preview)