Fan shop

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Ferrari fan shop in Rome
Fan shop for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing
1. FCK fan shop in Kaiserslautern

A fan shop is a facility in which items are sold that appeal to specific interested parties, in this case the fans . There are different types of fan shops.


Fan shops are similar to souvenir shops in that they can often be found near attractions. For example, there are various football fan shops at football stadiums, various shops for mountain products in the mountains, or various shops for the genre of music in music genre areas (for example at concerts).

Fan shops do not only exist as classic shops, but also as online shops .


There are different goods depending on the type of fan shop. Usually, a fan shop offers different types of merchandising items, but there are also specialized shops, for example for stickers.

Typical fan articles are e.g. B .:

  • Items of clothing (e.g. t-shirts, sweaters, polos or fan scarves)
  • Household goods (e.g. printed cups or towels)
  • Jewelry (e.g. necklaces or bracelets)
  • Other little things (e.g. calendar or lighters)

In the online area there are providers who operate such shops for interested parties, which means that this form has found a large increase even among smaller websites.

See also