Fascia brachii

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The brachial fascia or humerus fascia is the fascia that surrounds the muscles of the upper arm. It emerges proximally from the deltoid fascia (fascia of the deltoid muscle ), from the thoracic fascia and mainly from the axillary fascia (axillary fascia) and merges distally into the antebrachial fascia .

The fascia is connected to the humerus via transversely extending fiber plates of the intermuscular septa brachii , to whose epicondyles (protrusions) it is attached distally. The fascia separates the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles . Proximally it is connected to the acromion , the collarbone and the spina scapulae .

The fascia brachii is more pronounced on the side and back than on the front.

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Fascia brachii in Flexikon , a Wiki of the DocCheck company , accessed on November 27, 2015.


  • Walter Thiel: Photographic atlas of practical anatomy . 2nd Edition. Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 3-540-31242-0 , p. 700 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Walther Graumann and Dieter Sasse (eds.): Compact textbook anatomy in 4 volumes . 1st edition. tape 2 . Schattauer, 2004, ISBN 3-7945-2062-9 , p. 295 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Werner Langer and Eric Hebgen (eds.): Textbook osteopathy . Karl F. Haug Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-8304-7530-9 , pp. 385 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).