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As Featherduster (English for duster ) is called a budgerigar with abnormal spring - and claws growth. The feathers continue to grow unchecked, so that the birds have problems with feeding and are also unable to fly. Genetic mutations are discussed as the cause .

In addition to the abnormal feather growth, the animals show a variety of other injuries. The development of the chickens is clearly slowed down and the animals are susceptible to diseases. They also have problems with the coordination of muscles and balance organs . They show an aggressive behavior towards other budgies. Life expectancy is significantly reduced so that they usually do not get older than a year. The animals are sterile.

Individual evidence

  1. BMELV - Expert group on animal welfare and pet breeding : Expert opinion on the interpretation of Section 11b of the Animal Welfare Act (prohibition of torture breeding) , p. 77 (accessed on May 5, 2013)