Fedele Lampertico

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Fedele Lampertico
Fedele Lampertico in Vicenza

Fedele Lampertico (born June 13, 1833 in Vicenza , † April 6, 1906 there ) was an Italian economist .


Fedele Lampertico received his doctorate in Padua in 1855 , became a member of the House of Representatives in 1866 and of the Senate in 1873, where he made valuable reports on economic and financial matters.


His main work is Economia del popoli e degli stati (Mail. 1874–79, Vol. 1–4), a comprehensive course in political economy of a moderate direction, which is based in many cases on the teachings of the German realistic school. He also wrote numerous articles in magazines, including in Giammara Ort e le science economiche del suo tempo (Vened. 1865), Sulle spese di culto (Vicenza 1879), Sulla statistica teorica etc. (Rome 1879), Scritti storici e letterari (Flor. 1882–83, 2 vols.), Il credito (Mail. 1884) and Lo statuto e il senato (Rome 1886).


Web links

Commons : Fedele Lampertico  - collection of images, videos and audio files