Federico Moretti

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Federico Moretti (born January 22, 1769 in Naples , † January 17, 1839 in Madrid ) was a high-ranking Italian officer in the Spanish army, composer and guitarist . As the author of the first school work for the classical six-string guitar , he is of particular importance .

Military career

Similar to his guitar-playing contemporaries Fernando Sor or François de Fossa , Moretti also embarked on a military career. He rose to the high rank of officer.


With his guitar school, Moretti laid an essential foundation for the establishment of the six-string, single-choir strung guitar. The guitarist Fernando Sor describes Moretti as "a torch that is supposed to light up the hesitant steps of the guitarists". It can be assumed that Moretti's Italian way of playing the six-string guitar significantly influenced the younger Sor in his own treatment of the guitar, because in Spain the instrument was viewed more as a folk instrument than a concert instrument. Sor expressly mentions that he admires the separate management of bass line and harmonies in Moretti's song accompaniment. Moretti's concertante treatment of the guitar probably inspired the younger Sor to write his own compositions for the plucked instrument.

Compositions (selection)

  • Grand Duo (2 guitars)
  • Doce Canciones (vocals and guitar)
  • Fantasía, variazioni e coda (sul tema del Rondó della Cenerentola: Non più mesta accanto al fuoco, op. 27)
  • Tré Rondo per chitarra sola op.4

Fonts (selection)

Principios para tocar la guitarra de seis órdenes (1799, published in Spain)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federico Moretti: Principios para tocar la guitarra de seis órdenes. Spain 1799.
  2. ^ Fernando Sor: Method pour la Guitare. Paris 1830.
  3. ^ Brian Jeffrey: Fernando Sor - Composer and guitarist. Tecla Editions, ISBN 0-948607-02-5 , p. 5.
  4. ^ Fernando Sor: Method pour la Guitare. Paris 1830.