Federico Patellani

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Federico Patellani

Federico Patellani (born December 1, 1911 in Monza , † February 10, 1977 in Milan ) was an Italian photographer .


Patellani graduated in law and was interested in literature and painting, was deployed in Africa during his military service in 1935 and published the first pictures of this trip in the magazine "L'Ambrosiano". In 1939 began a long-term collaboration with Il Tempo ; in the same year Patellani co-produced Mario Soldati's film Piccolo mondo antico . In 1940/1941 his war photos from Yugoslavia and Russia caused a sensation, two years later the pictures of bombed Milan .

After two and a half years as a prisoner of war in Switzerland and half a year with the "Corriere Lombardo", he returned to Tempo; his pictures from post-war Italy, the flourishing industry, the Miss Italia elections, the social conditions in the south now also appeared in “Epoca” and “Oggi”. In 1952 he founded the company "Pat Photo Pictures" and now worked as a freelancer. A new series of photos about the Italian south was a great success. In 1953 Alberto Lattuada hired him as assistant director for his La lupa ; in Turkey and Greece Patellani worked for the first time documentary for television. As co-director alongside Aldo Buzzi, he shot the feature film about the Maya culture America pagana , made with amateur actors and documentary stylistic devices , which was censored in September 1956. Three years later he presented pictures of a trip to Africa from the Belgian Congo to Kenya. Up until his last trip to Ceylon in 1976, his photos appeared in numerous periodicals.


  • 1956: America pagana

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article on these images at Forum Photography
  2. Biography at LombardiaBeniCulturali