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Logo of Swiss Armed Forces.svg
Swiss Army
- Feldweibel -
Suit 75/03

Service suit shoulder flap

Rank group higher non-commissioned officers
NATO rank code OR-6
Rank Army / Air Force Feldweibel
Marine rank none
Abbreviation (in lists) Fw
Grade CHF 9 per day

Feldweibel (abbr. Fw) is the lowest rank of the higher non-commissioned officers in the Swiss Army . He roughly corresponds to the German sergeant . The Swiss Guard in the Vatican also uses the rank of Feldweibel .

Before the reform of Army XXI there were two different functions that field women occupied:

The company sergeant is for the service operation responsible level unit and is also referred to as the "mother of the company". In 2004 the rank of Hauptfeldweibel was introduced for this purpose . In the degree Feldweibel only the technical specialists in the degree of a higher non-commissioned officer remain.

In foreign missions he is referred to as a Sergeant Major (SGM / Sgt Maj). NATO rank code : OR-6. In the case of the Swiss Army, the rank badge shows two angles on top of each other and a Swiss cross (Ordonnanzkreuz) framed in foliage on the armpit loops.

Other forces

Badge of rank
Feldweibel (Papal Swiss Guard
HD H 31 Sergeant Art.svg

Chevron    /     shoulder flap

Papal Swiss Guard

The rank of sergeant major is currently also used in the Pontifical Swiss Guard. However, in contrast to the Swiss Army (here: OR-6), the rank corresponds to the NATO rank code OR-7.

See also

German Federal Armed Forces

In German-speaking armed forces, the traditional rank of Feldwebel is word-related to the rank of Feldweibel in the Swiss Army. In the German Federal Armed Forces, the sergeant today occupies a similar hierarchy level as in Switzerland.

Individual evidence

  1. About us: Management cadre on schweizergarde.ch accessed on October 1, 2019
  2. The abbreviation "OR" used in NATO stands for " English Other Ranks / French sous-officiers et militaires du rang / German  other ranks, officers excluded / Russian другие ранги, кроме офицеров " .