Felix Beran

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Felix Beran (born April 17, 1868 in Vienna , † August 12, 1937 in Zurich ) was an Austrian - Swiss technician, poet, writer and translator.


After training as a mechanical engineer, Beran worked in Germany, North America, Mexico and Rio de Janeiro. Apart from brief interruptions, Zurich has been Beran's center of life since the end of 1895, where he was first director of the Glasglühlichtgesellschaft and later director and board member of Electro-Lux AG.

In Zurich, during the First World War, he also met James Joyce , who translated Beran's unpublished poem Des Weibes Klage under the title Lament for the Yeomen into English. Conversely, Beran, who worked as a writer and translator, translated some of Joyce's poems into German, corresponded with Joyce and wrote some newspaper articles about Joyce, who around 1930 asked Daniel Brody , the director of Rhein-Verlag , to talk to Beran with the to commission the German translation of the volume of poems Pomes Penyeach .

Beran received Swiss citizenship in 1927 and had been a citizen of Zurich since April 29, 1927.


  • Felix Beran: James Joyce in Zurich. In: Tages-Anzeiger for the city and canton of Zurich. June 21, 1930.
  • Felix Beran: James Joyce. In: Tages-Anzeiger for the city and canton of Zurich. November 22, 1930.
  • Felix Beran: Meeting with James Joyce. A poet who was going blind. In: Neues Wiener Tagblatt. April 12, 1931. p. 28.
  • "Alone". James Joyce's "Alone" translated by Felix Beran. In: Tages-Anzeiger for the city and canton of Zurich (1932).
  • "Bahnhofstrasse". James Joyce's "Bahnhofstrasse" translated by Felix Beran. In: Tages-Anzeiger for the city and canton of Zurich (1932).
  • "Midnight memory of the comedians in front of a mirror". James Joyce's "A Memory of the Players in a Mirror at Midnight" translated by Felix Beran. In: The Literary World, 8 (36/37) (1932), 5.

Web links


  • One-column obituary for Felix Beran. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. August 12, 1937.
  • Short note from Felix Beran's death. Article  in:  Neue Freie Presse , August 13, 1937, p. 5 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp
  • Short note from Felix Beran's death. Article  in:  Wiener Zeitung , August 13, 1937, p. 6 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / wrz
  • City Archives Zurich VBa13., 1926 B 1006; 1927 B 265, B 431 (city council minutes)
  • City Archives Zurich II. 1927 B 265 (City Council files)
  • City Archives Zurich VEc100. Periods 1893-1900, 1901-1933, 1934-1964
  • City Archives Zurich VIII.Bc101., 1937, A 1888