Felix Havenstein

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Felix Havenstein (born November 30, 1893 , † April 28, 1970 ) was a German writer and local researcher .

He lived in Schöneiche near Berlin and worked for a time as a manager in the tourist office in the neighboring town of Woltersdorf . Havenstein dealt with local history and archeology in the Niederbarnim district , about which he also wrote several books. While he had made a name for himself as a local researcher, especially in his hometown Schöneiche, his role as NSdAP cultural warden was inglorious. In the “Kulturkampf” of the National Socialists, which he gave sustained support, above all on the side of the “ German Christians ” against the “ Confessing Church ”, prominently represented in Schöneiche by Joachim Heinrichs .


  • Only ASC , Edri Verlag, 1931, Berlin.
  • Rahnsdorf and its history , 1933, Rahnsdorf.
  • Kleinschönebeck and its history , 1935, Kleinschönebeck.

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