Felix Trojan

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Felix Trojan (born August 18, 1895 in Tulln , Lower Austria , † 1968 in Vienna ) was an Austrian phonetician .


After graduating from high school , Felix Trojan studied German literature a . a. with Alexander von Weilen and Eduard Castle , as well as musicology . In 1919 he received his doctorate under Walther Brecht with a dramatic investigation suggested by Castle. After his doctorate as Dr. phil. Trojan worked briefly as a dramaturge at the Volksbühne Wien .

In addition to Ferdinand Matras, he was hired in 1923 as a university lecturer to hold speaker training exercises at the University of Vienna . He was also head of the German courses for foreigners from 1925 to 1939, focusing primarily on pronunciation. At the same time he began to work at the outpatient clinic for speech and voice disorders of the II. University Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. After the annexation of Austria , Trojan divorced his Jewish wife under pressure from the National Socialists. This was the only way he could keep his job at the university. Because of this marriage, Trojan could not become a member of the NSDAP or other NS organizations.

Despite his penchant for literary and theater studies, on which he initially published, Trojan eventually turned to phonetics , phoniatrics and speech therapy . From 1945 the German courses were dismantled and Trojan had an assistant position at the outpatient clinic for speech and voice disorders. In 1947 he completed his habilitation under Wilhelm Havers . Trojan became an associate professor in Vienna in 1955 , then a full professor in 1963 . He made a few applications for a chair , but it was never granted.

Trojan died in Vienna in 1968. His life's work on biophonetics did not appear until 1975, seven years after his death.


  • Trojan, Felix (1923). The Theater an der Wien; Actors and folk plays in the years 1850–1875 . Vienna: Wila-Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft.
  • Trojan, Felix (1928). Plot types in the epic Homeric Iliad . Munich: Hueber.
  • Trojan, Felix (1948). The expression of voice and language. A phonetic phonetic style . Vienna: Maudrich.
  • Trojan, Felix (1948). The training of the speaking voice. Advice for everyone who has to talk a lot at work . Vienna: Austrian Federal Publishing House.
  • Trojan, Felix (1951). Rhythm of speech and autonomic nervous system. An investigation into Goethe's youth poetry . Vienna: Sexl.
  • Trojan, Felix (1952). The expression of the speaking voice. A phonetic phonetic style . Vienna: Maudrich.
  • Trojan, Felix (1954). The expression of the speaking voice in German . Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bonn: Diesterweg.
  • Trojan, Felix (1961). German sentence stress, principles and exercises. A textbook and exercise book for residents and foreigners . Vienna: Braumüller.
  • Trojan, Felix & Schendl, Herbert (1975). Biophonetics . Mannheim / Vienna / Zurich: Bibliographical Institute.


  • Teichl, Robert (1951). Austrians of the present. Lexicon of creative and creative contemporaries . Vienna: Austrian State Printing Office. P. 315
  • Wiesinger, Peter & Steinbach, Daniel (2001). 150 years of German studies in Vienna. Non-university early German studies and university German studies . Vienna: Praesens. Chapter Phonetics from p. 129.