Fellenbergs Naturheilanstalt

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Fell mountain Naturheilanstalt was a sanatorium in Erlenbach in Zurich .

In 1898 Friedrich Fellenberg opened a small sanatorium in his house "Colonia" in Erlenbach. A cooperative was founded in 1899: Buildings and facilities for 60 spa guests were planned. In 1900 the new buildings "Morgenstern" and "Bergfried" were ready to move into. In addition, a bath house with 1st and 2nd class baths and the "Friedeck" lodging house were built. In 1904 the main house «Sonnenhof» was opened on the adjoining ground of the neighboring community Küsnacht .

The individual houses were in a park area surrounded by vines. They were furnished with dining rooms and lounges, and all the rooms had central heating. There were air huts in an area fenced off by wooden walls (this area was jokingly called "Negerdorf"). In addition, an offshoot was an air bath at the naturopathic facility and a wooden pavilion at the Alder Falls in the nearby Bachtobel.

In September 1911 Franz Kafka was in Erlenbach for a cure. Ferdinand von Zeppelin took a cure here in 1913 and 1914 .

The First World War meant the end of the naturopathic institution. It was liquidated from 1917 to 1919. The «Sonnenhof» became a retirement home for the city of Zurich in 1919 and was demolished in 1970 to make way for a new retirement home. The name "Kurhausstrasse" still reminds of the institution today.


  • Karl Kuprecht, Walter Imhof: The natural healing institution Fellenberg. In: Erlenbach. History of a Lake Zurich community. Erlenbach 1981. online
  • Sabina Roth: In the dispute over healing knowledge. Zurich naturopathic associations at the beginning of the 20th century. In: Sociability, societies and associations / Sociabilité et fairs associatifs. [Swiss Society for Economic and Social History, No. 9]. Zurich 1991, pp. 111-137.

Individual evidence

  1. Reiner Stach : Kafka - The early years. S. Fischer, 2014.
  2. ^ Peter-André Alt : Franz Kafka - the eternal son. A biography. CH Beck, Munich 2008, pp. 209, 210.
  3. ^ Karl Kuprecht, Walter Imhof: The Fellenberg Natural Healing Institution. In: Erlenbach. History of a Lake Zurich community. Erlenbach 1981. pp. 63, 64.
  4. ^ Daniel Fritzsche: Where Franz Kafka «cured his thin whistle». ( Memento from August 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) In: Zürichsee-Zeitung , August 4, 2012.