Ferdinando Wolf

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Ferdinando Wolf was an entrepreneur and owner of the eponymous mechanical art - and joinery , sawmill and hardwood floors - and privileged roller blinds - factory in Trento in what was then Austria-Hungary .


Ferdinando Wolf's factory in Trento (around 1900)

The factory was founded in 1869 and was originally intended for local needs. At first few workers were employed, but as the company grew their numbers grew. Already in 1873 and 1875, the company's products were recognized at the exhibitions in Trento and in 1882 at the exhibition in Trieste by being awarded the silver medal of merit . The production increased from year to year. The work rooms were soon too small, so that a new building was built in 1888.

With the development of the company, newer machines were acquired. In addition to the already used water power , electricity was also used as a driving force. The number of workers rose to 50.

The redesign prompted the owner to add the manufacture of parquet as a new branch to the company. Here, too, he achieved success: the production in the first year amounted to around 15,000 square meters and the products were awarded the silver state medal at the exhibitions in Milan and Innsbruck .

In 1893 the company was given the honor of manufacturing furniture for the emperor. For this, the owner was awarded the title of kuk court purveyor. A further expansion of the company resulted in 1895 through the patent acquisition on window roller blinds. These products were also awarded the Medal of Merit at the exhibition in Trento.

Among other things, Ferdinando Wolf furnished the Philharmonic building in Trento from 1903 to 1905 and the palace of the Trentino Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Rovereto in 1914 .

Individual evidence

  1. Ferdinando Wolf . In: Presented by the industrialists of Austria under the high protectorate of His K. and K. Highness of the Most Serene Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Hrsg.): Die Groß-Industrie Oesterreichs . Festival ceremony for the glorious fiftieth anniversary of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Josef I. Volume 3 . Leopold Weiss, Vienna 1898, VII. Wood and carved ware industry; Home furnishings, p. 331 .
  2. ^ Il palazzo della Società Filarmonica di Trento. (No longer available online.) Informazioni Società Filarmonica, November 18, 2009, archived from the original on September 23, 2008 ; Retrieved on November 18, 2009 (Italian): “Il costo dell'opera, per alcune spese non previste, salì a 127,516 corone. L'elenco dettagliato suddivide in singole voci il costo complessivo: 41.873 corone all'impresa costruttrice di Luca Lorenzi e Giuseppe Scotoni, 21.246 corone a Giorgio Paor per aver fornito la travatura in cemento armato, 11.316 corone al falegitta Ferando alla, 6.547 di Giovanni Fozzer per i marmi e scalpellini, 4.061 corone ad Antonio Fasana per le decorazioni in gesso, ecc. “ Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.filarmonica-trento.it
  3. ^ Palazzo della Camera di Commercio e d'industria del Trentino Sede INAIL - Largo Camera Commercio 2. Museo Civico di Rovereto, 2008, accessed on November 18, 2009 (Italian): “La fornitura delle pietre e dei marmi fu affidata alla ditta Gelsomino Scanagatta di Rovereto e Lisimberti e Bellante di Trento; i serramenti alla ditta Valentino Bosin di Trento; i pavimenti alla ditta Ferdinando Wolf di Trento, i lavori in ferro a Basilio Delaiti di Rovereto, le pietre artificiali a Giovanni Brioschi di Sacco, l'installazione delle condutture d'acqua a Giuseppe Faioni di Rovereto, i lavori di pittura alla ditta Barozzi e Colognato di Rovereto, l'installazione dei caloriferi alla Società Termos di Trento ei lavori di lattonaio alla ditta Alfonso Bertolini di Rovereto, sotto la direzione dei lavori di Gilberti e Grillo. "