Feriae Latinae

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The feriae Latinae , as a federal festival of the Latin city union, were among the most important festivals of Roman antiquity . The festival dedicated to Iuppiter Latiaris was held on the Albanerberg . Alba Longa was originally responsible for the organization and implementation of the festival , before Rome took over this function after its fall . During the festival all armed conflicts between the Latin peoples ceased.

The feriae Latinae are assigned to the feriae conceptivae , i.e. the celebrations that are not tied to a specific date, but rather were to be scheduled within a specified period. The consuls had to announce it immediately after taking office. Since the date of their inauguration changed in the course of time, the period for the staging of the feriae Latinae was different, although it was always celebrated in summer from the imperial era . All Roman officials had to take part in the celebrations, even for the tribunes of the people who were otherwise not allowed to leave Rome. A praefectus urbi was appointed for Rome for the duration of the celebrations . In addition, a dictator feriarum Latinarum causa , i.e. a dictator for the celebration of the feriae Latinae , could be determined if both consuls were absent.

All Latin communities took part in the festival, which in the imperial era lasted several days due to the introduction of games, ludi . If a congregation lost its political independence, it was represented by priests. The meat of a sacrificed bull was distributed among the delegates of all the communities, who, through their officials, had a prayer said for the Roman people. From the 3rd century onwards, Christian writers raised the unacceptable charge that human sacrifices had been made at the festival.

Only after the festival was held were the Roman officials allowed to leave for their provinces . The origin of the celebration could be traced back to Greek, possibly mediated by the Etruscans . Remains of the feriae Latinae calendar were found on the Albanerberg .
